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eXTReMe Tracker

Untitled Document

All people, who ever worked on Project Timeless

Moritz Cohrs

aka "MoCo" : project leader, lead game designer, level designer, webmaster

[ design document, game concept & storyboard | maps : pt_avenger, pt_assault (in coop. with P$yk0m@n), pt_heat, pt_siege, pt_deepsea, pt_snowdrift ( (in coop. with P$yk0m@n) | weapon qc's, arrangements | website content | team lead | remaining things that have to be done ]

Jan Rieke

aka "Rockefeller" : co-leader, lead programmer

[ main program code | game concepts | knife (animation) ]

Michael Kahl

aka "P$yk0m@n" : level designer

[ maps : pt_highlands, pt_snowdrift (in coop. with MoCo), pt_assault (in coop. with MoCo), pt_cargo (improved/adapted) | textures : terrain and tree textures for pt_highlands and pt_snowdrift | devloper of the special pt outdoor terrain mapping method (also see mapping section for a tutorial) ]

Johannes Ewald

aka "siR" : level designer, gfx-artist

[ maps : pt_underearth | sounds : radio commands, map background sounds |
homepage & menu graphics ]

Sönke Seidel

aka "Warbeast" : level designer, gfx-artist, 3d-artist

[ maps : pt_liberty, pt_airforceone | weapons : socom (model), desert eagle (model, skin), remington m940 (model, skin), minigun (skin), uzi (skin), g36 (skin), razor (skin), amp (skin), red-snake (model, skin), shark (model, skin), bison (model, skin) | map models : tank (model, skin), comanche (skin), truck (model, skin), grenades (skin) | hud graphics ]

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aka "Shimmer" : 3d-artist, weapon animator, sound-artist

[ player skins | weapons : g36 (animation), socom (skin, animation), desert eagle (animation), mp5k (skin, animation), sg3000 (skin, animation), minigun (animation), spas12 (skin, animation), m4a1-v (skin) | various game sounds ]

Jeremy Aspen Prescott

aka "Tschetsch" : 3d-artist, weapon animator

[ weapons : razor (animation), shark (animation), red-snake (animation), m4 (animation), amp (animation), stoner sr-25 (animation), h-bomb (animation | weapon p_models ]

Nils Kochem

aka "Recoilmaster" : pr manager

[ public relations | server/mirror organization ]

Jason Kane

aka "IceFire" : programmer

[ program code : visual effects, weather system ]

"Mot" : 3d-artist

[ weapons : mp5k (model), sig sg3000 (model), spas12 (model), new h-bomb (model) | speedboat (model) | map models : shark | most player weapon animations | some p_models ]


aka "Wommi" : 3d-artist

[ weapons : amp (model), m4 (model), razor (model) | buggy (model) | some p_models ]

Daniel Mai

aka "DanThrash" : sprite-wizard, special game tester

[ hud-sprites | some sound effects ]

Peter Ryan

aka "TorQue[MoD]" : player animator

[ player animations | 5th playerhead skin ]

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"Diggedagg" : texture-artist

[ main pt texture database ]


aka "Al Capone" : 3d-artist

[ technical modelling support, qc | comanche (model) | game concepts ]

Christoph Sachal

aka "Sir Prise" : soundtrack composer

[ music tracks : deventry IV, desert storm, infiltrating the labs ]

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Stefan Vitek

aka "Nimrod][The Prophet" : 3d-artist

[ weapons : g36 (model), stoner sr-25 (model) ]

Rafael Kocurek

aka "Polski" : playtesting and balancing, support

"The Surgeon"
: level-designer

[ pt_cargo ]

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Paavo Patzschke

aka "Mental-Phreak" : 3d-artist

[ weapons : uzi (model) ]

Christian Oesch

aka "NoFL" : texture artist

[ pt_highlands indoor textures ]

Frederik Schrader

aka "nobody" : 3d-artist

[ weapons: minigun (model) ]

Hans-Peter Protto, aka "Killing me softly" : programmer

[ first alpha code ;) ]

Bodo Winter

aka "Stroggos" : level-designer

[ pt_twilight]

Daniel Hanke

"hªnk¥" : programer

[ various coding stuff ]

Jan Schlemminger

aka "Jever" : Founder

Special credits | Anyone forgotten?

Serverforce and Planethalflife (hosting)

NGZ and all others server sponsors

Francis 'DeathWish' Woodhouse for TRON 2.0 Glow Effect

tutorial: MP3 playback with FMOD
tutorial: clientside smokepuffs

All the people at resourcecode.de, Wavelength and theWall.de forums

All the people at hlcoders mailing list

Everyone at Valve

All alpha-testers

Jever & Ewatch for project founding

The PT Community for supporting us

and of course

All pt fans out there

© 2000-2007 Project Timeless : html/design by Johannes Ewald and Moritz Cohrs. All Rights Reserved.